Please see the Proposal Instructions page for more information. A proposal to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation must consist of the following three parts:

  • Download and complete a proposal cover sheet
    • 1 year proposal cover sheet (Word or PDF)
    • 3 year contingency proposal cover sheet (Word or PDF)
  • Required attachments
  • A two to four-page proposal narrative (outlined below)

For current and/or past grantee partners, the foundation may extend the option of submitting a grant renewal application instead of a formal proposal. Information on the grant renewal application can be found on the Grant Renewals page.

Proposal Narrative

Using two to four single‐spaced pages, please provide the following information about your organization’s work. You may change the order of the information in each of the subheadings and collapse subheadings to accurately describe your goals. Please feel free to copy and paste from a proposal you have submitted to another funder. If you need additional space, you may exceed the page requirement.

A. Organization Information

  • Please provide a brief history of your organization (if you have not yet been awarded a grant from the foundation).
  • What is the mission of your organization?
  • Please describe any significant accomplishments or outcomes at your organization from the previous year.

B. Proposal Purpose and Goals

  • Please describe the need for the work outlined in this proposal. How did you engage the community in determining the needs of the community? What are your main goals and objectives?
  • Who is the community/population who will be positively impacted by your work?
    • How many people will be impacted? (If relevant)
    • What geographic area will be served?
  • Please list any potential partners.

C. Anticipated Outcomes

  • How will the community/population and/or organization benefit from your work?
  • What evidence, if any, will show the impact of your work?
    • We recognize that many outcomes cannot be quantified, such as changing rape culture. If applicable to your organization, please provide numbers served, community indicators, outcomes, etc. 

D. Financials

  • Please outline the project and/or organization’s budget.