Scholarship Guidelines and Application

The Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Scholarship is awarded to low-income women, with a history of outstanding academic success and an intent to give back to the community, attending Cabrillo, Hartnell, or Monterey Peninsula College. The Foundation prioritizes the applications of women of color, first-generation college students, immigrant students (including undocumented students), students who are the first generation in their families to be born in the U.S., and women re-entering the workforce. We encourage women of all backgrounds and citizenship status to apply. If you are eligible and would like to apply, please contact your community college’s scholarship or financial aid office.

Students apply through their respective community colleges, and the program provides one student from each participating college with up to $20,000 in scholarships over two years. Students must be enrolled in one of the aforementioned community colleges and dedicated to enrolling in and completing the junior and senior years of their college education at a University of California campus. Award decisions are made by the Scholarship Committee of the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation based on the recommendation of campus leadership of the applicant’s community college.

All communication and questions should be directed through your community college until you become a recipient of the scholarship.

Scholarship recipients must be enrolled for at least one full year in one of the following schools: Cabrillo, Hartnell, or Monterey Peninsula College. Campus leadership from each of the participating community colleges will nominate three students.

Students must meet the following scholarship requirements to be eligible to apply:

  • A woman with a history of outstanding academic success and financial need.
  • An intent to give back to their community, in the United States.
  • A California resident.
  • A current student at Cabrillo, Hartnell, or Monterey Peninsula College for at least one full year.
  • A U.S. citizen, eligible noncitizen with legal permanent residency, or undocumented student eligible for UC enrollment through California Assembly Bill 540.
  • A cumulative community college GPA of 3.5 or higher.
  • Eligible for FAFSA and not currently in default on a Title IV student loan.
  • Eligible for Fall admission to a UC campus as a new junior-level transfer student.
  • Be admitted to and enrolled in a University of California campus to receive funds.
  • The Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation will provide the funds directly to the UC campus. The UC will release funds once the student’s enrollment and financial aid status for the upcoming academic year is verified.
  • Student considerations for accepting additional scholarships:
    • The Foundation wants to ensure as many students as possible receive scholarships to be able to attend the UC of their choice. Students applying to other large scholarships, such as the Karl S. Pister Leadership Opportunity Scholarship or the Jack Kent Cooke Transfer Scholarships, are eligible to apply to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Scholarship, but if selected for a different large scholarship, must decide which scholarship to accept. This allows us to award the scholarship to another student.
    • The maximum scholarship amount often exceeds the expenses listed on a student’s university bill and, instead of being refunded to the student, these additional funds are absorbed by the university, leading to a reduction of the amount of free gift aid previously awarded to the student. The Foundation is, unfortunately, unable to send scholarships directly to students, which would be the only way to prevent this.
    • If a student who has applied for or has been awarded the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Scholarship decides to transfer to a non-UC university, they must notify the Foundation so that the scholarship can be awarded to another student in time for the UC “Declaration of Intent to Register” deadline.

Once an applicant becomes a recipient:

  • Students must maintain full-time enrollment (12 units) for the entire quarter/semester for the next two academic years.
  • Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. If a student falls below a 2.0 cumulative GPA, funding will be rescinded for the remainder of the scholarship.
  • Students must submit an Annual Update to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation at the end of the academic year.
  • Recipients are required to use all scholarship funds within two years of community college graduation.
  • Students must contact the Foundation immediately if they withdraw or drop a course during the term to discuss eligibility status and the impact on scholarship funds.
  • Failure to meet these requirements will result in a loss of funds.
  • More details can be found on our recipient page.

You can find a detailed timeline here

The application process is handled by your community college; please direct questions to their scholarship office. Please read through this entire section to familiarize yourself with the process and confirm your eligibility before applying.

To complete the application, eligible students must:

  • Apply for Fall admission to one or more UC campuses by filing the UC Application for Undergraduate Admission and Scholarships by the November deadline:
  • Provide your community college counselor or scholarship coordinator with your complete scholarship application by the deadline set by your community college. Attention to detail is imperative for a successful application; incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • The application must contain the following information:
    • Complete Scholarship Application Form (Word or PDF).
    • Unofficial transcripts from all colleges attended, including GPA.
    • Two letters of recommendation, one of which must be from an academic instructor and one from an academic instructor or a work supervisor if the work is relevant to the student’s academics. Submit no more than two letters.
    • Resume, including work and volunteer history.
    • Personal statement that includes future goals and how the student will give back to their local community in the United States.
    • A copy of a research paper, on any topic, written in the past two years and submitted to an academic course (do not edit after submission). Do not submit a handwritten exam. Please limit to no more than 15 pages.
    • A signed copy of the Information Release Form.
    • Provided by Community CollegeInitial Application Eligibility Confirmation.
  • Apply for financial aid by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the March deadline; students who are ineligible to file a FAFSA due to immigration status must file a California Dream Act Application.
  • The Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation will notify the community college counselor of its decision; the counselor will then inform the scholarship recipient of their award by April 15.
  • Notify the Foundation of admittance to a University of California campus by late April or as soon as possible.
  • Visit the Checklist for Applicants page to keep track of the application process.
  • Considerations for accepting additional scholarships:
    • The Foundation wants to ensure as many students as possible receive scholarships to be able to attend the UC of their choice. Students applying to other large scholarships, such as the Karl S. Pister Leadership Opportunity Scholarship or the Jack Kent Cooke Transfer Scholarships, are eligible to apply to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Scholarship, but if selected for a large scholarship, must decide which scholarship to accept. This allows us to award the scholarship to another student.
    • The maximum scholarship amount often exceeds the expenses listed on a student’s university bill and, instead of being refunded to the student, these additional funds are absorbed by the university, leading to a reduction of the amount of free gift aid previously awarded to the student. The Foundation is, unfortunately, unable to send scholarships directly to students, which would be the only way to prevent this.
    • If a student who has applied for or has been awarded the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Scholarship decides to transfer to a non-UC university, they must notify the Foundation so that the scholarship can be awarded to another student in time for the UC “Declaration of Intent to Register” deadline.

Please submit the application to the scholarship coordinator by the date set by your community college. Attention to detail is imperative for a successful application; incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. The Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation may contact you to request additional information.

The complete Application Form can be downloaded as Word or PDF

  • Please confirm financial eligibility with a community college counselor or scholarship coordinator.
    • The Peggy and Jack Foundation has decided to use the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) determination of ‘low income’ for Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties as the basis for our financial eligibility guidelines for applicants.
      • Click the ‘Multifamily Housing Program’ dropdown to view the income limits for each county. 
    • We understand that many families that are not low-income struggle to afford higher education; therefore, the HCD’s income ranges are guidelines, and we want to be flexible.
    • If a student’s family or individual income exceeds the HCD’s determination of low income, additional documentation should be submitted to demonstrate financial need or extenuating circumstances.
    • The Foundation is implementing these guidelines to ensure that the scholarship program remains true to its purpose of supporting women who do not have similar access to educational resources. This change will strengthen the Foundation’s goal of supporting low-income women in advancing their academic journeys.
  • All scholarship eligibility requirements can be found here.

The Checklist for Applicants can be found here.

Below are the guidelines for participating community colleges.

Tips for Participating Community Colleges:

  • We encourage community colleges to publicize our scholarship as early and often as possible.
  • Work with the transfer center to advertise scholarship to students.
  • Make a request to faculty each year to ask for nominations of students.
  • Utilize existing resources, such as a writing skills tutor, to review applications and work with students on improvements before final submission.
  • The Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Scholarship emphasizes both outstanding academic background and clear financial need. The Foundation would like colleges to prioritize submitting applicants who are women of color, immigrant women, and/or undocumented residents who are AB540 eligible.
  • Community colleges are responsible for confirming the eligibility of students to attend UC colleges. The community college should conduct due diligence to confirm an applicant’s AB540 eligibility prior to nominating a student. Please keep this in consideration when selecting nominees.

The community college will be responsible for the following requirements:

  • Each year, the community college must confirm their participation via email and distribute only the current application materials. Please be sure to update your website and outreach materials with the most up to date language and requirements.
  • The community college must set an internal application due date that allows for the timely submission of complete applications. In setting this due date, please consider the following:
    • Due dates of other scholarship programs.
    • An earlier due date or due dates aligned with other programs will simplify application deadlines for students.
    • Sufficient time to provide feedback and support for students to edit and improve their applications.
    • Sufficient time for review and selection by campus leadership of the community college.
  • Campus leadership from the community college must nominate three students to be considered for this scholarship.
  • By March 15, the community college must provide the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation with the top three candidates’ complete applications, according to the Student Application Instructions section.
    • Each application must include a copy of the Information Release Form signed by the student, so that the Foundation can obtain relevant information regarding the student’s financial aid, grades, transfer records, etc.
    • The community college is also responsible for submitting an Initial Application Eligibility Confirmation along with each student’s application.
  • The Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation will select the recipients from among each college’s nominees. The Foundation will notify the community college counselor by April 15. The counselor will inform the scholarship recipient of their award.
  • The community college and/or student will notify the Foundation of student admittance to a UC campus as soon as this information is available.
  • In the event that the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation determines that no candidate from a given college satisfactorily meets the selection criteria, no scholarship will be awarded.
  • Considerations for accepting additional scholarships:
    • The Foundation wants to ensure as many students as possible receive scholarships to be able to attend the UC of their choice. Students applying to other large scholarships, such as the Karl S. Pister Leadership Opportunity Scholarship or the Jack Kent Cooke Transfer Scholarships, are eligible to apply to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Scholarship, but if selected for a large scholarship, must decide which scholarship to accept. This allows us to award the scholarship to another student.
    • The maximum scholarship amount often exceeds the expenses listed on a student’s university bill and, instead of being refunded to the student, these additional funds are absorbed by the university, leading to a reduction of free gift aid previously awarded to the student. The Foundation is, unfortunately, unable to send scholarships directly to students, which would be the only way to prevent this.
    • If a student who has applied for or has been awarded the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Scholarship decides to transfer to a non-UC university, they must notify the Foundation so that the scholarship can be awarded to another student in time for the UC “Declaration of Intent to Register” deadline.

The Checklist for Participating Community Colleges can be found here.

The UC campus departments will be responsible for the following:

Financial Aid and Scholarship Office

  • Each year, the participating UC campus’s financial aid and scholarship office must confirm their participation via email to support the academic success of Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Scholarship recipients.
  • The UC campus’s financial aid and scholarship office will confirm where to send scholarship checks by completing and returning the UC Information Submission Form via email at support [at]
  • The UC campus will receive direct payments from the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation before the beginning of the fall term. The Foundation will include a copy of the student’s Check Submission Form which includes the disbursement and refund policy; scholarship payment will be disbursed over three quarters/two semesters.
    • The UC campus will send confirmation that the check has been received via email at support [at]
  • The UC campus’s financial aid and scholarship office will review the student’s eligibility status, and if the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 or the student does not enroll full-time (12 units), the UC will hold funds and immediately inform the Foundation.
  • The student is responsible for adding the Foundation contact as a third-party authorized user or delegate via their online portal system, so that the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation can obtain relevant information regarding the student’s financial aid, grades, transfer records, etc.

Office of Registrar

  • Once the student has enrolled in classes, they will request an official Enrollment Verification Letter from the registrar’s office that will be sent to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation.
    • Note: students will request this letter once they are fully enrolled.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students are responsible for reaching out to the necessary UC departments for any information or forms that they may need.
  • Students are responsible for adding the Foundation contact as a third-party authorized user or delegate via their online portal system, so that the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation can obtain relevant information regarding the student’s financial aid, grades, transfer records, etc.
    • You can find more information on your school’s third-party authorization system here.
  • At the end of each term, the student will submit a brief Quarter/Semester Update via email to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation by the date indicated on our website.
    • Students are wholly responsible for completing and submitting this update at the end of each term but may contact their UC campus to obtain financial information.

The Checklist for Participating University of California Campuses can be found here.

Students who have been selected as scholarship recipients must complete the following requirements in order to receive scholarship funds. You can also find this information on the Scholarship Recipient page.

First Year Recipient Requirements

  • By Late April:
    • Notify the Foundation of admittance to a University of California campus.
  • By May 1st:
    • Students must submit their financial aid package from the University of California school of their choice. Different campuses vary in the timing of issuance; however, recipients should provide their financial letter as soon as they receive it.
  • By end of May:
    • The recipient must sign and submit the Annual Student Eligibility Form to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation.
    • The student will add the Foundation contact as a third party authorized user/delegate via their online portal system in order to have access to financial aid information, transcript/grades, and billing statements.
      • You can find more information on your school’s third-party authorization process here.
  • Upon Fall enrollment:
    • Immediately upon enrollment in their first term at a UC campus, the student must send an official Enrollment Verification Letter from the registrar’s office confirming enrollment, to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation. These can be obtained from the UC campus registrar’s office or from your university’s online system (depending on the school).
      • Note: Be sure to have your UC send the enrollment verification form directly to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation, so that the fee is waived. If you are asked to pay a fee, please consult your Office of the Registrar. This form may take 3-5 business days to process. Please let the Foundation know when you have sent this form, so we are aware that it is on its way.
      • Note: students should request this letter once they are fully enrolled in classes.
  • At the end of each term:
    • The student will complete and submit the Quarter/Semester Update to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation by the deadline listed on our Timeline. The student will submit the Quarter/Semester Update and attachments to the Foundation by email.
      • If a student’s GPA for a given term falls below a 3.0, they must submit a performance plan in addition to the Quarter/Semester Update.
      • The Foundation asks students to submit a performance plan because we have found that it helps students create an action plan with concrete steps to reach academic success, such as attending office hours or tutoring.

Second Year Recipient Requirements

  • By July 1st:
    • Submit a copy of your financial aid package from the University of California college of attendance to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation. Different campuses vary in when they issue these; however, recipients should provide their financial package as soon as they receive it.
    • The recipient must sign and submit the Annual Student Eligibility Form to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation.
  • Upon Fall course enrollment:
    • The student must send an official Enrollment Verification Letter from the registrar’s office confirming enrollment, to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation. These can be obtained from the UC campus registrar’s office or from your university’s online system (depending on the school).
      • Note: Be sure to have your UC send the enrollment verification form directly to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation, so that the fee is waived. If you are asked to pay a fee, please consult your Office of the Registrar. This form may take 3-5 business days to process. Please let the Foundation know when you have sent this form, so we are aware that it is on its way.
      • Note: students should request this letter once they are fully enrolled in classes.
  • At the end of each term:
    • The student will complete and submit the Quarter/Semester Update to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation by the deadline listed on our Timeline. The student will submit the Quarter/Semester Update and attachments to the Foundation by email.
      • If a student’s GPA for a given term falls below a 3.0, they must submit a performance plan in addition to the Quarter/Semester Update.
      • The Foundation asks students to submit a performance plan because we have found that it helps students create an action plan with concrete steps to reach academic success, such as attending office hours or tutoring.
  • Upon graduation:
    • Submit a Graduating Recipient Form which allows the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation to know whether the student graduated, their future plans, and how to get in contact with them in the future.

To Maintain Scholarship Eligibility

  • Students must maintain full-time enrollment (12 units) for the entire quarter/semester for the next two academic years.
  • Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. If a student falls below a 2.0 cumulative GPA, funding will be rescinded for the remainder of their scholarship.
  • Students must submit a Quarter/Semester Update to the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation at the end of each academic term.
    • If a student’s GPA for a given term falls below a 3.0, they must submit a performance plan in addition to the Quarter/Semester Update.
  • Students must use all scholarship funds within two years of community college graduation.
  • Contact the Foundation immediately if you withdraw or drop a course to discuss eligibility status and the impact on scholarship funds.
  • Failure to meet these requirements will result in a loss of funds.

Scholarship Recipient Checklist:

  • The scholarship recipient checklist can be found here.

Important Dates:

All dates can be found on our timeline

    • Jan 7: Fall quarter update due.
    • Jan 7: Fall semester update due.
    • April 2: Winter quarter update due.
    • May 29: Spring semester update due.
    • June 24: Spring quarter update due.

The Checklist for Recipients can be found here

Every student must submit a completed Annual Update at the end of each year, by the deadline posted on the Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation timeline. Reminders when submitting Annual Update:

  • If the student’s cumulative UC GPA falls below 2.0, they are no longer eligible to receive this scholarship.
  • If the student does not maintain full-time enrollment (12 units) for each quarter/semester, they are no longer eligible to receive this scholarship. 
  • Should a student withdraw from or drop a course during the term or fall below the GPA requirements, they must immediately inform the Foundation to discuss their eligibility status and the impact on scholarship funds.

The Annual Update can be found here.

  • All student forms can be found here.
  • All community college forms can be found here.
  • All UC campus forms can be found here.

Keep track of requirements with the following checklists: